Norwegian salmon fillet

How do you pan-fry Norwegian salmon fillet properly?

NORDSEE Frischfisch: Norwegischer Lachs NORDSEE Frischfisch: Norwegischer Lachs NORDSEE Frischfisch: Norwegischer Lachs NORDSEE Frischfisch: Norwegischer Lachs
  1. Heat a pan and place the salmon in with the skin side up.
  2. When it is lightly browned, turn the fish on the skin side and add a lemon, garlic and thyme sprigs.
  3. If the salmon looks cooked on both sides after frying for a short time, add a little butter to the pan.
  4. Now roast the salmon until it is cooked and from time to time add some melted butter over the fish for flavor.
  5. Finally, add some lemon juice over the fish and serve.
  6. See! It’s really easy.